And all my money and time is wasted.
WiFi or WISP Project Failed Due to All these reasons.
- No Signal at first then after a little hard work by changing the location iron poll from one corner of room to other one and raising it at more high after all this very very poor signal detected in my Access Point’s Web Panel.
- When a poor signal detected I tried again and again to connect with network but no gain.
- Distance from D-Link Omni to TP-Link Omni was less than 1000 Feet with a clear line of sight.
- When there is a very poor signal with out connectivity at 1000 Feet how my setup going to work for a longer distance.
- Signal was like 3dBi. (My Experience: At least 5 dBi Signal is required for a weaker connectivity, but signal must be with a good Quality.)
Signal Strength and Signal Quality both are different things. Strength is power of signal in dBi units. But Quality is depending on Noise or any other distortion and overlapping of other 2.4GHz frequency channels.